Highly robust Elegance
Whenever interior, design, ambience and feel-good atmosphere are concerned,
material and its haptics are of uttermost importance. We strive to offer innovative covering materials that anticipate future trends and are irresistable in their optics and haptics. Customers, architects and designers shall by means of our materials feel inspired
to set new courses.
Whenever interior, design, ambience and feel-good atmosphere are concerned, material and its haptics are of uttermost importance. We strive to offer innovative covering materials that anticipate future trends and are irresistable in their optics and haptics. Customers, architects and designers shall by means of our materials feel inspired to set new courses.
Widht: 135cm
Thickness: 0,8mm
Material : PU
Flammability classification:
DIN EN 1021 Teil 1
Abrasion turns Martindale:
more than 100.000
DIN EN ISO 12947-2:2017-03
DIN EN 14465:2006-09
Lightfastness: 6
DIN EN ISO 105-B02
430 gr pro m²
Gun metal, Silver, light gold, champagne, bronze
for wall & furniture